Reservation for Other Class of Cabin > 1:1 Q & A

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뒤로가기 1:1 Q & A

inquiry Reservation for Other Class of Cabin

페이지 정보

작성자 라이언 작성일 16-07-27 18:01 조회 794 댓글 2


Dear Sirs,

I note that the reservation is for 2nd Class in normal.

I have some queries:
1. Shall I and my wife stay in different cabins for male & female?
2. If I would like to upgrade, how much is the price difference for 1st class, deluxe and royal suite? And how to upgrade?
3. In case I go with 3 people in total, could we stay in the same cabins for 1st class, deluxe or royal?


댓글목록 2

관리자님의 댓글

관리자 작성일

Dear Mr/Ms,

Thank you for your request.

1. you will be share with male&female room. (not be seperated.)

2. 2N class→Deluxe twin upgrade fare is \50,000 per person (one way).
2N class→Royal suit upgrade fare is \110,000 per person (one way).

3. If you are 3pp, You can hold Deluxe Triple-Upgrade fare is \50,000 per person or 1st class for 4pp-Upgrade fare is \50,000 per person(only 3pp will use that cabin).

If you want to hold the privit cabin, please let us know after booking.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

라이언님의 댓글

라이언 작성일

Thank you for your prompt response.

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